
Our vision is to see these kids become independent, literate adults and good human beings.

Who We Cater To

Beside the comfy campus of IISER, there exists a slum dwelling called Lamanvasti. These are migrant workers who settled here a few generations ago in response to the construction of NCL, DRDO etc. The children living there in the slum form our primary target group.

Why We Cater To Them

Lamanvasti children face lit of social issues in their upbringing. A lot of them drop out of school by 10th grade. Most girls don’t make it beyond 8th grade. Education that they receive at their schools is poor and it is not surprising to find a 8th grade student who can’t do multiplication.

How We Do It

On weekdays, we have hour-long sessions to teach them Maths, Marathi, English, Science and Social Science. These sessions are conducted in a room inside the vasti, called the Samaj Mandir, where our volunteers sit down with the kids and teach them.

Mission Statement

To prevent any child from dropping out of school and to keep them in the education system long enough that they become independent.

Annual Goals

  1. To implement common modules for each subject.
  2. To implement a separate system for teaching the youngest kids Marathi with priority.

Program Coordinators


Email ID: shashwati.h@students.iiserpune.ac.in

Shivani Avadhani

Email ID: shivani.avadhani@students.iiserpune.ac.in

Yash Karampuri

Email ID: karampuri.yash@students.iiserpune.ac.in